Excited about our first Pause Power Retreat coming up in December in beautiful Clearwater Beach, Florida!

When I present programs on mindfulness, people always assume I mean meditation. Well, that’s one way to practice mindfulness but it’s not the only way. In fact, when my retreat partner Mickie Brown and I teach mindfulness to our clients we rarely suggest sitting meditation as the first option because we know it’s a hard habit to get get into and an even harder to maintain over time. Instead we teach breath work, walking meditation, and brain-based mindfulness techniques that can be easily integrated into every day life.
I practice mindfulness in the car, in the shower, and while I walk from place to place. I also use mindfulness techniques when I teach emotional intelligence or mastery, and conflict resiliency.
If there was just one habit I could point to that has made me more focused, peaceful, and happy, it would be my mindfulness practice. And no, I don’t meditate every day for 30 minutes; I meditate 30 times a day for 1 minute.
Are you with me?
If you want to learn how to do this, please consider joining us for the Pause Power Retreat. Come for the whole weekend or come for the day. December 5-7, 2014.
Click here for the flier and click here for the registration form. Email [email protected] for more information.
For professional coaches: 5.5 ICF CCEU’s available for this!!