The Link between Psychological Safety and Team Effectiveness

Imagine you’re a team member tasked with a highly complex problem and your boss tells your team, “Failure is not an option; we are under close scrutiny from the executive team and we only have one chance to get it right. And if you mess up like we did the last time it’ll be every […]

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How do you ask for the help you need (even though your brain resists!)?

Why is it sooo hard to ask for help? While there are many reasons why you might resist asking for help, such as ego, fear, rejection, relinquishing of control, it’s impossible to succeed if you don’t ask for assistance. Success is not created in a vacuum and no one achieves anything amazing without the help […]

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Empowering Questions for the Coach-Centric Leader

When I do workshops on Coach-Centric Leadership, we spend a lot of time crafting empowering questions that leaders can use with their teams to empower, engage, and problem solve. The most challenging thing about this is that sometimes the most empowering questions require that you “play dumb.” When I’m doing a 1:1 meeting with the […]

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What Do Coaches Do?

At a recent Central Florida chapter meeting of the International Coaches Federation, our table topic question was, “How do you clearly and succinctly describe what you do, so that others fully understand what coaching is?” The coaches in the room were a diverse group of life or wellness coaches, executive and leadership coaches, business coaches, […]

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Intentional Leadership: Wear your Values on your Sleeve

When I begin a coaching relationship with both teams and individuals, I begin with a values clarification exercise. Why? Because people don’t follow the leader, they follow their values. The best leaders articulate their values and wear them on their sleeve; in fact, they live their values. Everyday. Even when it appears to “hurt” them […]

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Mindfulness: It’s not just what you do, it’s who you are.

I had the privilege of sharing some of my Every Day Mindfulness tips with the readers of D.I. magazine. It’s sometimes a challenge to explain how to be mindful in 500 works or less because Mindfulness is not just what you do in the moment it is also who you are. In a state of […]

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