Is coaching for you?

Here are some questions to ask yourself
  • Are you feeling overwhelmed?
  • Do you feel stuck?
  • Do you want to raise the bar for yourself, or your team?
  • Do you want to have a greater sense of purpose or a renewed feeling of energy around what you do?
  • Do you want to a better job at nurturing relationships and building trust?
  • Are you facing some important choices, or challenges, that you would like some help with?
  • Do you want to seize an opportunity to step up and realize the full value and enjoyment of what you can bring to the world?
  • Do you want to be a more intentional and effective leader?
  • Do you want to achieve more resiliency and self-mastery:
  • Do you want to transition or exit strategically from a career, business, or leadership role?

First of all, let’s be clear what coaches do not do. We are not therapists or consultants. We don’t swoop in for a day or two and tell you what you need to do. There are no pills, no prescribed regimen, no gurus, no probing questions about your relationship with your mother. Mostly we listen, we ask questions, and function as a thinking partner, or an accountability partner if you wish, and work with you to formulate an individual, do-able, customizable plan of action, inspired by your values, passions, and goals.

Our clients are successful in many aspects of their lives, but they are continually motivated to build on their professional and life skills and their well-being. They have a strong vision for success yet they can also see and feel the gaps, places where there is room for improvement, places where they get stuck or have blocks that impede their success and happiness. That is why they seek out coaches.

If you answer “yes” to any one or more of these questions, you are on the right page! We would love to talk with you.

Are you ready to be coached? Are you in a place or a situation where you can really benefit from partnering with a coach? Let’s find out! Call Laura at (813)769-9038 or email her for a free, no-obligation, introductory Goal Clarification and Discovery call. No pressure, just a conversation to learn more about this process, the nature of the client/coach relationship, and to determine if coaching might be a good option for you.

Decision Making Coaching Audio Clip

Executive and Professional Coaching Audio Clip